Softcover books

Printing less than 100 copies, visit our sister website

A5 Softcover

Book size: A5 small book 14x21cm
Binding: PUR bound (100-500) Section sewn 500+
Cover: 300gsm colour with matt lamination.
Minimum print run: 100 copies
Inside pages: Full-colour
Page count: 48+ pages
Uncoated paper : 120gsm, 140gm & 170gsm
Coated paper :
115gsm, 130gsm, 150gsm *price shown for 115gsm
Delivery included for print quantities 600+
Suggested selling price: $20-$25 each.
Prices: Ex GST

Large Softcover

Choose from small square to A4 (see all book sizes)
Binding: PUR bound (100-500) Section sewn 500+
Cover: 300gsm colour with matt lamination.
Minimum print run: 100 copies
Inside pages: Full-colour
Page count: 48+ pages
Uncoated paper : 120gsm, 140gm & 170gsm
Coated paper :
115gsm, 130gsm, 150gsm *price shown for 115gsm
Delivery included for print quantities 600+
Suggested selling price: $30-$35 each.
Prices: Ex GST

Pre-sell your cookbook

By adding local business sponsor ads you can raise most, if not all, of the cost of printing, making every cookbook you sell 100% profit. For more details download our presentation guide.

Also consider asking your community to pre-order the cookbook. You can even offer a special prize for the one who pre-sells the most books.